lundi 18 novembre 2013

Facebook open URL redirection vulnerability

Algerian Security Researcher "Asesino04" The Black Devils discovered an open URL redirection vulnerability in facebook that allowed attacker to have a link edirect to any website without "Leave facebook" comment from facebook

This kind of  vulnerability is used to trick the victime by clicking on a trusted link whcih is designed to lead the victime to a malcious website .

Also this  vulnerability speacially if it was used to make a redirection on third part application can allowed attcker to steal the access token [Oauth Bug] which is very critical and dangerous .

The Founde of the exploit who is a member also in 1337DAY Team didn't report the bug to facebook

The vulnerability exists on the page where any person can download IOS or Android Sdk
You go to :
and you copy the link of "download sdk"
# you keep only this

# then you add to it

#so it became like that :
then it got redirect

The Bug have  full discolure

A proof of Concept :